First month for £1.

Your local friendly gym

A community gym in the heart of Manningtree, with over 120 monthly classes and a 60+ piece gym, well known for our friendly staff and amazing members!

Our Classes


Non stop, intense cycling with one of our awesome RIDE instructors. In this class you will go through intervals, challenge the hills and your own physical fitness! This class is designed to make you stronger, fitter and faster.


SWEAT is exactly what the name suggests. This high intensity class gets everyone sweating together in a hard-hitting workout. This class involves short bursts of intense exercise, alternated with low intensity rest periods. Let’s sweat!


A high energy strength class using a weighted bar. LIFT will improve your all-round muscular fitness making you stronger. Those who lift together, have a lot of fun together!


We have a large variety of classes designed to offer something for everyone. Sweat it out with a High Intensity class (HIIT) or kick back and rejuvenate with a stretch class. You can get motivated, sweat and have a social all at once!


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