Our Memberships
Live Fit
Commit to staying fit
Unlimited gym access
All classes included
Personalised gym programs
12 Month committed contract
No need to commit, stay flexible
Unlimited gym access
All classes included
Personalised gym programs
Cancel with 30 days’ notice
Save £76 & go 365!
Unlimited gym access
All classes included
Personalised gym programs
Committed annual contract
Student 16+ with valid ID
Unlimited gym access
All classes included
Personalised gym programs
Valid student card required
Cancel with 30 days’ notice
Ages 14 – 15
Restricted gym access
Specific classes included
Personalised gym programs
Cancel with 30 days’ notice
Sign Up at Gym Only
Still not sure?
Why not come down and say hi? Our friendly staff will happily show you around the gym, introduce you to one of our trainers and answer any questions you may have!
"I love it, I joined in October and haven't looked back. Friendly and helpful staff, tailored fitness plans. Loads of classes to choose from. 10/10"
— Lucy B.
"Been a member here for about 8 months now and thouroughly recommend it. Great atmosphere, friendly and helpful staff. Good equipment. Hot showers, Obvious choice of gym"
— Patster C.
"Great gym. Great equipment. Great classes. Easy to book via app. Super friendly and knowledgeable staff. Really clean and the high ceilings & doors mean it is really airey too. Highly recommend!"